
One-On-One Consultations

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It all points to experience!

We have two levels of service providers:

Senior Consultants are certified animal trainers with extensive experience in teaching basic operant skills, as well as producing behavior management strategies and behavior modification resolutions for dogs and cats. Our Senior Consultants specialize in aggression, anxiety, and other complex behavior conditions with an emphasis on pets that are at risk of separation from their families due to behavioral concerns. The City of Boulder judicial offices recognize our Senior Consultants as experts in our profession and contract with them to provide consultation services to ensure public safety.

Cats: Please schedule only with a senior consultant if your cat has been misusing the litterbox for more than six months, there is conflict between two or more cats in your household or your cat has bitten and broken skin in a bite unrelated to petting or play

Consultants are certified animal trainers, too, and are gaining practical applications in the field of animal welfare to competently assist with basic training needs for dogs such as jumping, barking, housetraining, and leash manners, or with behavioral profiles including shyness, reactivity towards other animals and body handling sensitivities. Cat behavior consultations may include litterbox misuse, furniture/household destruction, early rising, enrichment, improved relationship, kitten-raising best practices and life-skills for cats, etc.

Our talented team of consultants have been professionally assessed and certified in both feline and canine behavior and training. They demonstrate their knowledge and skill in force-free animal training and stay current on the science and techniques of the animal training profession through continuing education.

Dog Consultation Services

Senior Consultant

  • Initial consultation is 90 minutes and $175
  • Follow-up appointments are 60 minutes and $130
  • Court-ordered consultations are 60 minutes and $375


  • Initial consultation is 60 minutes and $130
  • Follow-up appointments are 60 minutes and $100

Cat Consultation Services

Senior Consultant

  • Initial consultations (phone/zoom) are 90 minutes and $130
  • Follow-up consultations (phone/zoom) are 60 minutes and $115


  • Initial consultations (phone/zoom) are 60 minutes and $115
  • Follow-up consultations (phone/zoom) are 60 minutes and $100